John Thorogood


 Career Accomplishments


  • Project managed remote area exploration operations in Sakhalin, Faroe Islands and Norwegian Sea.  Developed a formal exploration project management framework based on lessons learned.  Subsequently coached new-start project teams.
  • Developed ice management techniques for early season operations with non-ice strengthened rigs in first-year sea ice.
  • Engineered and monitored early deep water wells in high current area West of Shetland and developed techniques for integrated riser, mooring system and ROV operations.
  • Operational experience in North Sea, North Africa, Turkey, India, including periods as roughneck and assistant driller. Operational consultancy and trouble shooting world wide: Norway, North Sea, Alaska, Colombia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Australia and Kuwait. Worked as Drilling Supervisor on North Sea platforms.


  • Championed the development of automation of downhole control to improve operational performance through elimination of human error.
  • Carried out and published research in collaboration with University of Aberdeen on team decision-making and non-technical team skills with its associated implications on real-time data centres.
  • Long term player in R&D and Technology planning activities from 1989 to present and manager of various R&D programmes.
  • Responsible for developing the processes and procedures that underpin much of BP's Beyond the Best Drilling Common Process and latterly, development of Engineering Technical Practices to underpin BP's Integrity Management framework. Extensive experience in developing fit for purpose management systems for operations teams.
  • Responsible for the initial introduction of Organisational Learning and use of Technical Limit in BP operations in mid-1990s.
  • Member of team that developed the 1992 BP Drilling Strategy and participated in developing the BP UK Operations Contract Strategy and review. Lead player in team developing incentive contract for drilling services on North Sea platform project, subsequently also in Alaska and Venezuela.
  • Lead the development of technical integrity in directional contractors in Alaska as part of process of transferring responsibility to contractors in an auditable manner


  • Lead the design and implementation of a Drilling database and applications platform.
  • Participated in field development studies. Defined statement of requirements for two North Sea platform rigs, introducing novel features into the mud system, followed through on construction phase. Planned and implemented operations start-up.
  • Conceived and implemented first single vent line diverter in the North Sea. Co-developed associated shallow gas blowout design simulator software.
  • Developed directional software incorporating novel methods for survey programme design, well target sizing, risk-based separation rules and magnetic corrections.
  • Worked on revision to casing design method, involving risk-based design and radical re-formulation of kick-tolerance rules.
  • Developed theoretical basis of how well profile affects limits in ERD wells. Results applied directly to 3 major projects.