Wellbore Surveying
Development of a Reliable Deviation Surveying Programme Using Standard Instruments
Thorogood J.L, European Offshore Conference and Exhibition, London, Paper EUR 247, October 1980.
How BNOC Controls Directional Drilling
Thorogood J.L, Petroleum Engineer International, pp. 26-44, May 1980.
WellSurveying: Past Progress, Current Status and Future Needs
Thorogood J.L, World Oil, pp. 87-94, January 1986.
How to get the Best Results from Well Surveying Data
Thorogood J.L., World Oil, pp 98-106, April 1986.
How to Specify and Implement Well Surveys
Thorogood J.L, World Oil, pp 44-50, July 1986.
Instrument Performance Models and their Application to Directional Surveying Operations
Thorogood J.L, SPE 18051 presented at the 1988 SPE Annual Conference, Houston. Published in SPEDE, December 1990.
Discussion of Evaluation of Directional Survey Error at Prudhoe Bay
Thorogood J.L, SPE 18557, SPE Drilling Engineering, September 1988 pp 334-335.
SurveyingTechniques with a Solid State Magnetic MultishotDevice
Thorogood JL and KnottDR, SPE 19030, presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 1989. Published in SPE Drilling Engineering, September 1990.
Directional Survey Operations Management
Thorogood JL, SPE 19462, Journal of Petroleum Technology, Technology Today series, Dec 1989.